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Where can I send my support questions? |
There are two main sources where you can find answers to your questions:
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What are the system requirements? |
Operating System: Palm OS 4.0 or later (recent version of SuperMemo); Palm OS 2.0 or later (older version of SuperMemo).
SuperMemo for PalmOS will run on any Palm OS compatible device that uses Palm Operating System (PalmOS) version 2.0 or later. These are virtually all existing Palm OS handhelds. The only exception are the two very first models called Pilot 1000 and Pilot 5000 that have not been updated to Palm OS 2.0 or later by its owner.
Memory: No specific requierements.
There are no memory requirements. SuperMemo will run on any existing device regardless of the memory size. Of course you need to have enough free memory to be able to install the application and you need additional free memory for creating or installing SuperMemo databases. The more memory you have the more cards you can create. You will need roughly 0.1 MB for each 1,000 cards; memory required for the SuperMemo program itself is about 0.1 MB. This means 1 MB of memory is enough to keep the SuperMemo app and some 9,000 cards (real values may differ depending on how much text you put on each card).
Further information:
FAQ: How much memory will my databases take?
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How much memory will my databases take? |
It depends on how much information you enter. The more texts you place on a single card the more memory it will occupy, and the more cards you will have, the bigger the database. You can visit our SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine to see some real databases. Note how many cards they have and how big they are.
A rough estimate is that one card will take about 100 bytes including its learning statistics. This means one kilobyte of memory will hold 10 cards, 10 KB will hold around 100 cards, 100 KB will hold some 1,000 cards and 1 MB will hold 10,000 cards or so.
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What are the limits of the demo version? |
You can purchase the full version of SuperMemo, or you can download a free demo version if you want to try this software first.
The demo version offers almost all features of the full version, but with the following limitations:
Of course, the full version does not have these limits.
Further information:
FAQ: What are the limits of the full version?
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What are the limits of the full version? |
The full version of SuperMemo has no functional limitations. However, it has some technical limits that are imposed by the SuperMemo software desing or by PalmOS, the operating system of your Palm device:
Further information:
FAQ: What are the limits of the demo version?
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Can I use graphics in SuperMemo? |
No, you cannot. SuperMemo lets you create cards with text information only. Using templates, you can format the cards in many ways using up to 256 different fonts and sizes, but you cannot add images. We hope to add support for graphics in future versions.
Note, however, that if you only need graphics to display non-English characters, you can do this using a 3-rd party font app that adds support for these characters.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.10: Templates
FAQ: Can I use foreign fonts in SuperMemo?
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Can I use foreign fonts in SuperMemo? |
SuperMemo supports foreign fonts but doesn't contain any. It is a responsibility of the operating system to provide fonts to applications.
There are many 3rd party apps and tools that allow you to add foreign fonts to your PalmOS organizer. They also add support for entering these national characters. You can get support apps for Japan, Chinese, Hebrew, Russian, Greek, Eastern Europe and many other languages. SuperMemo should work well with most of them.
These application will add font support not only for SuperMemo, but for all apps that are on your handheld device. To find these apps, search for them on some Palm OS software archive, entering the name of the desired language in the Search box. You can also visit our SuperMemo Accolades page to read what other users of SuperMemo use and how it works for them.
Note that the standard English fonts that are already present on your PalmOS handheld contain all the special characters needed for Western European languagages like Spanish, German or French.
Further information:
FAQ: Can I create a database with foreign characters on my desktop computer?
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How do I get my data into SuperMemo? |
You have three options to choose from:
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.12: Import and Backup
FAQ: Where can I get some ready-to-use databases?
FAQ: Can I create a database on my desktop computer?
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Can I create a database on my desktop computer? |
Yes, you can create and import a database prepared on your desktop PC, in your favorite spreadsheet, word editor or database application. For this, you need to use the smconv.exe utility, provided for free with the full or demo version of SuperMemo. This utility is a simple MS-DOS program that works in DOS and all versions of MS Windows, including Windows XP.
If you use other desktop operating systems such as Mac OS found on Apple Macintosh computers, you need to get a DOS or Windows emulator as well. One of them is DOSBox, available for free for many operating systems like Mac OS, Linux, BeOS, OS/2 or FreeBSD.
The instructions for creating databases on your desktop computer can be found in the SuperMemo manual.
Further information:
FAQ: Can I edit a database on my desktop computer?
FAQ: How do I merge two databases?
FAQ: Can I create a database with foreign characters on my desktop computer?
Manual, Chapter 2.12: Import and Backup
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Can I create a database with foreign characters on my desktop computer? |
Yes, the SuperMemo convertor (the smconv.exe tool) will convert anything you give you to it without changing its contents. If you convert foreign characters, they will be the same foreign charecters in the output PDB file and on your handheld. However, if you wish to see the characters correctly, you need to set up your desktop and your handheld to use the same foreign character encoding.
This is not a SuperMemo related problem but a problem of general foreign encoding setup of your desktop and hanheld. If you write some foreign text on the desktop, beam it to your handheld, open it there in the built-in Memo Pad for instance, and see the characters correctly, than you can do the same with SuperMemo.
It may be a bit difficult to find the correct configuration. On your desktop, you need to use the same plain text encoding that you use on your handheld. If you do not know which encoding you use on your handheld, try saving your test file using all available encodings that your desktop editor can produce, install it one by one and see which one works. Unicode encodings will not work as Palm OS does not support it.
It is impossible to give more exact advice as there endless variables and configurations possible. As an example guide here is a procedure known to work for CJKOS Korean (handheld app that provides Korean characters) and MS Word (desktop editor) on MS Windows with Korean support installed:
Further information:
Can I create a database on my desktop computer?
Can I use foreign fonts in SuperMemo?
Manual, Chapter 2.12: Import and Backup
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Can I edit a database on my desktop computer? |
You cannot edit cards on your desktop computer. Editing cards should not be a large scale operation so it faster to edit it on your Palm device directly.
However, if by editing you mean adding new cards, you can do that. You just create a new text file with new cards, using the same category names as in the original database. Then you convert and install this new database, and merge it with the original database on your Palm device. The cards will be added to the appropriate categories in the original database, and no formatting is needed.
The instructions for creating databases on your desktop computer and for merging databases on your Palm device can be found in the SuperMemo manual.
Further information:
FAQ: Can I create a database on my desktop computer?
FAQ: How do I merge two databases?
Manual, Chapter 2.12: Import and Backup
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Can I export data to a text file? |
Currently you can only import data from a text file to your PalmOS handheld.
We are working on a tool that will also allow you to export data from your handheld SuperMemo database to a text file. The export will also include all your learning statistics for individual cards and this data can be used for various analyses.
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Why do you use ZIP archives for downloads? |
This has three main reasons:
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Can I sell my databases? |
If you have created a database and would like to sell it to other users, go ahead. We don't ask for any royalties for using the SuperMemo database file format for your data distribution.
If you don't want to sell your database but think that other people might find it useful, you can submit it to SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine and share the database with other users of SuperMemo.
Further information:
FAQ: How can I get a database from my Palm device?
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I have just commited all cards but see no test, why? |
When you commit a card, it will be added to your drill, not to your test.
By committing a card you say to SuperMemo: "I have just memorized this card" or "I will memorize this card today using your drill feature". Therefore, there is no need to test the card today since you remember it today. You will see the first test in a day or two, when it is time to test your knowledge to check whether you still remember it.
This means that you should only commit cards that you have learned or that you will learn today, so unless you plan to learn all the cards today, you should not commit them all today.
Further information:
Manual, Quick Start
Manual, Chapter 1.4: Learning with SuperMemo
FAQ: How to start a test?
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How to install SuperMemo? |
The file you dowload to your desktop computer is a ZIP archive that needs to be unzipped first. MS Windows XP has built-in ZIP support. If you have an older version of Windows or if you have another operating system there are many free unzip tools available. Download some as you will definitely need it more than once.
When you have the unzip tool, you can double click the supermem.zip file you have downloaded, and you should see its content. Locate a file named supermem.prc and double click it. This will open the Palm install tool, and after selecting Done you can HotSync your device to finish the installation.
Further information:
FAQ: Why do you use ZIP archives for downloads?
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How to start a test? |
You can start a test by tapping the number of cards shown next to the database name in the main SuperMemo screen.
If you do not see any number there, it means there is no test prepared. Note that it is SuperMemo (not you!) who decides what and when will be tested. You can only prepare drills by yourself, but you cannot prepare tests.
When you use SuperMemo for the first time, you have to commit some cards first to tell SuperMemo you want to learn them. Cards that are not commited will not be tested. When you commit a card, it will appear in the drill, but not in the test. The first test of the commited cards will come in one or two days.
We strongly suggest you to read the SuperMemo manual to understand the logic of the SuperMemo method. Without reading the manual and understanding the whole system, your learning may not be efficient. There is no thing like a free lunch - you must invest some time now to save a lot of time in future.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 1.3: SuperMemo Glossary
FAQ: I have just commited all cards but see no test, why?
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How to create a new database? |
To create a new database, you must be in the main database list screen with SuperMemo title on the top.
Note, however, that you cannot have more than 3 databases in the demo version. The full version will let you create as many databases as you want.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.2: Database Details - Creating a new database
FAQ: What are the limits of the demo version?
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How to delete a database? |
To delete a database, you must be in the main database list screen with SuperMemo title on the top.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.2: Database Details - Actions with a selected database
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How to delete a card? |
If you want to delete a card, you have several options:
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.6: Card Details - Deleting a card
Manual, Chapter 2.8: Viewing Cards - Menu commands
Manual, Chapter 2.7: Editing Cards
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How to find a card? |
When you a looking for a certain card, open the desired database in SuperMemo and then tap or press the Find button. The Find button is not part of SuperMemo - it is system button, usually with a magnifying glass icon. Depending on your handheld model, this can be either a small icon in the status bar, a picture button silkscreened at the bottom of the display area, or a hardware key.
When you press the Find button you will see a little window with a text field. Fill in the text you are looking for and tap OK. If this text is found, you will see a list of entries that you can tap.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.11: Searching
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How to copy a card? |
You can copy the whole card text from one card to another using clipboard. First open the source card and tap it to go to the Card Edit screen. Then tap the Text button and select Copy. Then create a new card in the Card List screen by tapping the New button. This will open an empty Card Edit screen. There you tap the Text button and select Paste. This way you can also copy individual cards from one database to another.
Note the difference between Copy and Paste commands opened from the Text button, and Copy and Paste commands opened from the Edit menu: the first work with the whole card text at once, while the latter work on text selection only. The clipboards used for the whole card (Text button) and text selections (Edit menu) are different and do not interfere with each other.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.7: Editing cards - Copying cards and card text
FAQ: How to copy a template?
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How to copy a template? |
You can use clipboard for this. Go to the source category, open the Category Template screen, tap the Action button and select Copy. Then go to the destination category, open the Category Template screen again, tap the Action button and select Paste. This also works for copying category templates between databases.
Note that SuperMemo uses a special private clipboard dedicated for SuperMemo templates. This means that using the system clipboard for text or other objects, either in SuperMemo or in other applications will not clear this special template clipboard. You can therefore use this template clipboard to store your own personal template that you can easily apply when needed.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.10: Templates - Copying templates
FAQ: What is the template of a newly created category?
FAQ: How to copy a card?
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How to create a true-false quiz? |
There are many ways to do it in SuperMemo. Visit our SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine to see and download an example of such True-False database.
The database you can find there allows you to edit the source text file, convert it and merge it with the sample database to easily create your own true-false quizzes on your desktop. Of course you can also add new cards directly on your PalmOS handheld, either using Graffiti or some external hardware keyboard.
Note, however, that true-false quizzes are usually for fun only. For serious learning, do not use questions like George Washington was the first president of the USA. True or False? Such questions are too easy and not suitable for learning. When someone asks you who the first president was without mentioning any name you might recall nothing. You might only be able to reply "Tell me some president names, I will tell you whether they were first or not". If you want learn the fact by heart, instead of the true-false quiz you should use a bald question like Who was the first president of the USA? and let your brain produce the answer.
Further information:
FAQ: How to create a multiple choice quiz?
Manual, Chapter 2.12: Import and Backup
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How to create a multiple choice quiz? |
There are many ways to do it in SuperMemo. Visit our SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine to see and download an example of Multiple Choice database.
The database you can find there allows you to edit the source text file, convert it and merge it with the sample database to easily create your own multiple choice quizzes on your desktop. Of course you can also add new cards directly on your PalmOS handheld, either using Graffiti or an external hardware keyboard.
Note, however, that multiple choice quizzes are for fun only. Do not use them for serious learning. When you need to know the facts by heart do not offer any options. Offering an array of options makes the questions much easier. You will not learn the correct answer itself. All you will learn is to pick an answer from a few options. However, you will know nothing if there are no options to choose from, as is often the case in real life.
Further information:
FAQ: How to create a true-false quiz?
Manual, Chapter 2.12: Import and Backup
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How do I stop the learning process on cards I have learnt? |
You do not need to stop the learning process as the cards will show in tests less and less often as you learn them. If your answers are correct, the interval between repetitions more or less doubles and it can very easily reach half a year, one year, two, four, eight or sixteen years. In other words, the cards you have learnt will disappear from your learning process naturally.
However, if you want to stop learning some card right away, you can delete it or reset it (resettting deletes the card learning process only, not the card itself). You can delete or reset individual cards, whole categories or whole databases.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.6: Card Details - Deleting a card
Manual, Chapter 2.6: Card Details - Resetting a card
Manual, Chapter 2.5: Card List - Menu commands
Manual, Chapter 2.2: Database Details - Actions with a selected database
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How do I merge two databases? |
You can merge two databases using the same approach that you use for merging categories in SuperMemo or in many other PalmOS application, including the built-in ones, i.e. you need to rename the source database to the name of the destination one.
Let's say you have a database called Spanish, and you have just imported batch of new cards in a new database called Spanish - new. You would like to merge this new database with the original Spanish. Here is how to do it:
Note, however, that this function is not available in the demo version, you must have the full version to be able to merge databases.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.2: Database Details - Actions with a selected database
FAQ: What are the limits of the demo version?
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How can I move all cards from one category to another? |
This operation is similar to merging two databases. All you need to do is to rename the source category to the name of the destination one.
Let's say you have a category named Bones, and you want to move all the cards from this category to another category named Human Body which already contains some other cards. Here is how to do it:
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.2: Categories - Renaming and merging categories
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Can I sort cards using a numerical key? |
SuperMemo can sort the cards by one of the six fields. The content of these fields is always textual and the fields are always sorted as texts. This means that numbers 1, 2, 10, 20 and 100 will be sorted as 1, 10, 100, 2, 20.
However, there is a workaround. If you want to sort numbers, write the numbers with leading zeros, i.e. 001, 002, 010, 020 and 100. This way they will be sorted correctly. Instead of the leading zeros, you can also use leading spaces or other characters.
You can also use a special character called numerical space, which is a wide space having the same width as one digit.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.5: Card List - Sorting
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How do I cram for tomorrow's exam? |
Please keep in mind that SuperMemo is most efficient with long term learning. If you have an exam tomorrow, you should have started to learn much sooner than tonight.
However, you can still make some use of SuperMemo in this case. First you need to get the data into SuperMemo, and then create a drill. Use the drill to cram. If you already know a card, mark it as Right to remove it from the drill, otherwise leave it marked as Wrong.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.4: Drills
FAQ: How do I get my data into SuperMemo?
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What is the template of a newly created category? |
When you create a new category, it will copy the field names and template from the highlighted category in the Edit Categories screen. You can use this feature to save your time.
For instance, you would like to create a new category called Plants that should have the same template and field names as an existing category Animals. First you need to get to the Edit Categories screen. Then select Animals in the list of categories and then tap the New button and fill in the name Plants.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.9: Categories - Creating a New Category
FAQ: How to copy a template?
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I have added too many cards to my drill. Can I remove them all at once? |
Yes, you can remove all cards from the drill of any database. Go to the main screen with the list of all databases and tap the little database icon displayed on the left next to the desired database name. Tap the Action button and select Erase Drill.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.2: Database Details - Actions with a selected database
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Where can I get some ready-to-use databases? |
If you do not want to create your databases by yourself, you can visit the SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine. It is a place where you can download ready-to-use databases created by other SuperMemo users. You can also submit your own databases there and share your work with others.
Further information:
FAQ: The database I need is not in your Goldmine. What shall I do?
SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine: Available titles
SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine: Submit a database
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The database I need is not in your Goldmine. What shall I do? |
If you cannot find it in the SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine, you will have to search some other places and convert it to SuperMemo format, or you will have to create it from scratch. You can find more info about the ways of creating a database under How do I get my data into SuperMemo?
When you finally create the database you could not find in the Goldmine, consider submitting it there. You will save time to people like you coming to the Goldmine and searching for the same database. In the same way, someone else will submit his or her database, saving your time next time you visit the Goldmine.
Note however that the best way to learn is to create your own database. Learn from a textbook for instace and add your own questions and answers to SuperMemo on the fly. Having to formulate and write it down will help you tremendously. Commit the new cards by tapping the Commit button and SuperMemo will make sure you will not forget them.
Further information:
FAQ: How do I get my data into SuperMemo?
SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine: Submit a database
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How do I install a new database? |
The file you download from the SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine is a ZIP archive that needs to be unzipped first. Windows XP has built-in ZIP support - just double click the file. If you have an older version of Windows or other operating system with no ZIP support, there are many free unzip tools available at major software archives.
When you have the unzip tool, you can double click the ZIP file you have downloaded, and you should see its content. Locate a file with the PDB (i.e. Palm/Pilot DataBase) extension and double click it. This will open the Palm install tool, and after selecting Done you can HotSync your device to finish the installation.
Further information:
FAQ: Why do you use ZIP archives for downloads?
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How can I get a database from my Palm device? |
If you have created a database that you would like to submit to SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine or send it to someone else, you need to transfer it from your Palm device to your desktop computer.
First you need to HotSync your Palm device. This will automatically backup the latest versions of all SuperMemo databases. You can find them in your Backup folder. This folder can be found on your desktop computer, and the path to it is something like
C:\Palm\YOUR_PALM_NAME\Backup C:\Program Files\Palm\YOUR_PALM_NAME\Backup C:\Program Files\Palm Desktop\YOUR_PALM_NAME\Backupetc. depending on your Palm Desktop and HotSync installation settings.
In this folder, find the appropriate file. SuperMemo databases begin with three characters "sm_", followed by the name you gave it on your device, and terminated with a ".PDB" file extension. Any spaces in the name are replaced by underscore characters. For instance, a database called World Geography on your handheld will be saved as sm_World_Geography.PDB on your desktop computer.
Make a copy of this file in another folder (do not modify anything in your Backup folder!), and change the name to someting else if you want - it will not affect the name shown on the handheld device. Finally, if you have some ZIP tool, zip the file to shrink it, and send it to your friend or someone else.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.12: Import and Backup
FAQ: Why do you use ZIP archives for downloads?
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Where can I find SuperMemo for Windows? |
Information about SuperMemo for Windows can be found at the SuperMemo World web site. You will also find a link to SuperMemo for Windows CE there.
Be sure to visit this site if you need more details about the SuperMemo method and algorithms and about the scientific theory behind this system.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 1.5: Further Reading
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Shall I choose the Palm or Windows version? |
It depends on your needs. The Windows version has more features and can use graphics and sounds, while the Palm version is less complex and mobile.
You can buy the Palm version only, the Windows version only, or both. Both versions are fully independent and do not need each other. In future, we plan to add some cooperation between them.
Further information:
FAQ: Can the Palm and Windows version cooperate?
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Can the Palm and Windows version cooperate? |
They do not cooperate yet. We want to add the cooperation in future versions.
Until then, there is only one way in which they can cooperate. You can export a database from Windows SuperMemo using the menu command File / Tools / Export / As Q&A text or File / Export / As Q'n'A text (you must be in the Professional mode to see this option). The file you export can then be imported to Palm SuperMemo using the SuperMemo convertor (smconv.exe) tool.
This means that you can transfer your databases from Windows to Palm, but you cannot transfer the learning progress with them. You would have to start learning them anew.
Further information:
Manual, Chapter 2.12: Import and Backup
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How do I set the desired forgetting index in the Palm version? |
Unlike the Windows version where you can set the desired forgetting index, Palm version does not let you change it. To achieve a simpler interface, forgetting index is always set to 10%.
We might add the option to select a desired forgetting index in future versions of Palm SuperMemo if there are enough Windows SuperMemo users asking for it.